Autumn Picture Books for Preschoolers

Hello colorful leaves, pumpkin-spiced everything, and cooler weather! Autumn has arrived, and I can’t stop thinking about making up a batch of hot apple cider and cozying up under a blanket to read a good book. These days, to make that happen, I have to invite my preschooler in under the blanket and read his books, not mine. It’s a different experience. No getting lost in another world for an hour or two by myself. Instead, it’s rapid fire reading of children’s books that we’ve read a hundred times. Of course, that’s okay. The contentment of being together is enough to make these moments special all on their own. I am content to be by his side as he explores new worlds through books. But, if you’re like me, you’re probably ready to read something new for a change. Here are a few fall-themed book suggestions to help you and your little one transition into the autumn season.

Goodbye Summer, Hello Autumn

Apples and Pumpkins

Biscuit Visits the Pumpkin Patch

Autumn in the Forest (Lift-a-Flap Surprise)

We’re Going on a Leaf Hunt

Hello, World! How Do Apples Grow?

The Busy Little Squirrel (Classic Board Books)

Awesome Autumn: All Kinds of Fall Facts and Fun (Season Facts and Fun)

You’re My Little Pumpkin Pie

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Review: Quantum Physics for Babies

Quantum Physics for Babies
by Chris Ferrie
Published by Sourcebooks Jabberwocky (May 2, 2017)

My Rating: 4 stars


While I am a writer and lover of words, my husband is decidedly a science and math guy. Yin and Yang, on so many levels. When I first saw an article about Quantum Physics for Babies and the entire Baby University series by Chris Ferrie, I had one of those ah ha moments. I thought, this is what’s missing! Our book collection is comprised of stories about dinosaurs, farm animals, stuff animals and a few counting books, but nothing comes close to covering a topic like quantum physics. Why shouldn’t a baby’s book be about scientific concepts? And surely my husband would get a kick out of it.

Quantum Physics for Babies was certainly a novelty when it was delivered to our door. We had several conversations about the quantum physics because of it, and baby seemed to like it, too. He appeared to be intrigued by the pictures. Baby doesn’t have a real understanding of what I’m saying when I read this book, but seeing that he’s only 9 months old that’s true for most books. At this age, his language learning is all about exposure.

Baby’s just now beginning to show us his opinions, so we’ll have to wait and see if this one is a go-to book. Me, I’m looking forward to the conversation my husband and I will undoubtedly have when we pick up a copy of one of the other ‘for babies’ books, like General Relativity for Babies or Optical Physics for Babies. I’m bound to learn something, and something tells me the baby playing over on the mat, listening to mommy and daddy, will be learning something, too.

FTC Required Disclosure: This blog features Amazon Associate links, including linked images. Purchases made through these affiliate links will result in a my receiving a small commission. This applies to all products purchased at Amazon through the link, regardless of whether or not I’ve mentioned the product on this blog.

Halloween Reading for the Little Ones (Giveaway!)

The Halloween decorations started going up all over the neighborhood this weekend. So, I guess it’s time to start thinking about the spooky, silly, yummy holiday. If you’re looking to add a little reading fun to your Halloween traditions, there are plenty of Halloween-themed kid’s books out there. Here are a few new releases for the little ones:

  1. I Want to Eat Your Books

    by Karin Lefranc and Tyler Parker
    Published by Sky Pony Press (September 22, 2015)
    Ages 3-6
  2. Pumpkin Party!

    by Maudie Powell-Tuck
    Illustrated by Gill Guile
    Published by Tiger Tales; Boardbook edition (September 1, 2015)
  3. Peek-a Boo!

    by Nina Laden
    Published by Chronicle Books; Act Boardbook edition (August 18, 2015)


I’m giving away a copy of I Want to Eat Your Books through Amazon. Click here for your chance to win. [Update: This giveaway has ended. Look for more giveaways in future posts!]