Review: Quantum Physics for Babies

Quantum Physics for Babies
by Chris Ferrie
Published by Sourcebooks Jabberwocky (May 2, 2017)

My Rating: 4 stars


While I am a writer and lover of words, my husband is decidedly a science and math guy. Yin and Yang, on so many levels. When I first saw an article about Quantum Physics for Babies and the entire Baby University series by Chris Ferrie, I had one of those ah ha moments. I thought, this is what’s missing! Our book collection is comprised of stories about dinosaurs, farm animals, stuff animals and a few counting books, but nothing comes close to covering a topic like quantum physics. Why shouldn’t a baby’s book be about scientific concepts? And surely my husband would get a kick out of it.

Quantum Physics for Babies was certainly a novelty when it was delivered to our door. We had several conversations about the quantum physics because of it, and baby seemed to like it, too. He appeared to be intrigued by the pictures. Baby doesn’t have a real understanding of what I’m saying when I read this book, but seeing that he’s only 9 months old that’s true for most books. At this age, his language learning is all about exposure.

Baby’s just now beginning to show us his opinions, so we’ll have to wait and see if this one is a go-to book. Me, I’m looking forward to the conversation my husband and I will undoubtedly have when we pick up a copy of one of the other ‘for babies’ books, like General Relativity for Babies or Optical Physics for Babies. I’m bound to learn something, and something tells me the baby playing over on the mat, listening to mommy and daddy, will be learning something, too.

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